Friday, December 4, 2015

Logo Design and Layout Stages

Here are a few of my logos. A lot of it was me scribbling things all over the paper and then finally picking one. The one I can up with is just three lines blacked out with one being smaller than the other two. 

This is my finished logo. "Simplicity Is Key" 

My Type Assignment

I put a lipstick tube as an "I" in the word "Kiss".
When I think of someone kissing someone in a movie the girl always seems to have on lipstick, so I thought it was appropriate.

"Let's Eat". A popular phrase amongst people my age. Whether it be sports, games, or just anything competitive in life. That was the idea.

I used a mouse as the "O" in the word "mouse".

"Phone Book". The idea was a phone book. Nothing too in-depth about this. I saw the pictures and this instantly came to mind, even though I don't think I have ever actually used one.

The idea was to put an image that relates to the text. "You're the bomb". I thought it was awesome so this is what I chose. I would never say this out loud so I decided to put it on my project.

I made the "L" fall over in the word "fall". Get it? That was the idea

Type Figures Process

1. To create my figure I used "0" and "o" "V" and "Y" to make a can face with a hat. I just arranged the letters in Indesign

2. "Nascar Crash"
The letters are crashing into each other to make it a little bit of irony

3. "The Heart Wants What It Wants" in the shape of a heart. I used the pen tool to create a heart shape and placed the words around it.

4. My emoticon is a smiley face. The (:

5. "Faded" is my word and I went into photoshop and faded the word out so that you barely see it. I used a filter and whitened it a little bit.

Type Figures In Adobe InDesign

Hello, so today I made a booklet using indesign using 5 pictures.

First, I made a figure using letters and numbers
Second, I made a sentence where the letters related to the concept of the picture
Third, I made a shape using letters.
Fourth, Created a sentence with an emoticon
Lastly, I created a form using related text to the idea.

Here is the booklet before it was put together

 Heres my booklet after it was finished 
(pg 6 the word is "faded" and it faded out so you can't see it too well)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Vector Selfie File Size Comparison

Complex Photo
High Fidelity
661 Points
File Size: 1.8 MB
Simple Photo
3 Colors
29,107 Points
File Size: 7.5 MB

2 Anchor Points
10 pt Stroke
2 Points
File Size: 1.6MB

There are 3 images that I've traced. The high fidelity photo is smaller than the picture with 3 colors. The line only has 2 points and is smaller than both of the pictures. The less data the smaller the file size.

Sony Logo Resolution Experiment

This is my sony logo after I traced it using High Fidelity in Illustrator. Then logo came out really smooth and you can see the colors nicely. I changed the original to RGB color mode then changed the resolution to 1000. Then opened it in   illustrator and traced it. I would want to use this one for a vector logo.

This is my logo after i changed it to RGB and changed the resolution. It looks like good quality but there are still some rough edges to the picture. I wouldn't want to use this logo.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

GIF Colors and Quality

This is my photo saved as a Gif with only 6 colors. You can see that the quality is terrible and you can barely see anything in the picture. When you save things as Gif files it goes into Indexed color mode. Indexed color mode only has 256 colors or less. As stated before, there are only 6 colors in this photo.

This is that same photo saved as a gif with 200 colors in it. As you can see the photo is much clearer. You can see a lot more of the details. The photo isn't smudged together like the first picture. Even though the picture is the same, this picture has a bigger file size. The file size is bigger because there is a lot more data to be saved. The amount of colors that you use in a picture makes the photo bigger or smaller when it comes to file size

JPG Compression and File Size

Quality 10: 12 KB 8,852 Bytes

Quality 60: 16 KB 13,651 Bytes 

Q100: 115 KB 113,121 Bytes 

These are my photos with a JPG compression. I used a Cutout Filter on them all and saved them with different qualities. You can see the higher the quality the more space and the better you can see the colors. The less ruined the photo is. 

Raster From Vector

These are my logos after i rasterized them. To do this i went to file menu and clicked open option. In the appeared dialog box, select the image file you want to edit and click on the "Open" button. Then go to the "Layer" menu and click on the layer style option under the rasterize. Then I went to the layer and first I clicked convert to smart object and then I clicked rasterize layer.  

Vector Logos

This is my Sony logo. This was hard to change from raster to vector because it started off as a really bad quality picture. I used the low resolution in illustrator to trace it and keep it as close to the original as possible.

This is my batman logo. I traced it using the 16 colors in illustrator. It is pretty much exactly like the original.

Vector Logos From Raster Images

This is my FireFox logo redone and vectorized.
I placed it in illustrator and then traced it with high resolution to keep it as close to the original as possible.

This is my Apple logo after i changed it into a
vectorized image. I placed it in illustrator and used
low fidelity to keep it as close to the original as possible.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Adobe Illustrator

This is my 16 Colors Selfie. There are 16 colors in this photo.
This is the same picture drawn out with only 2 colors. Black and

This is a line drawing of the same picture. The details have been taken out so you can just see the outlines.

Today I worked in Adobe Illustrator. I had to convert my files from RASTER to VECTOR. I had to trace the images and you can see the different outcomes.

A RASTER Image is made up of pixels and a VECTOR image is made up of paths. Each with  a mathematical formula.

For this I first opened a selfie in photoshop. I increased the contrast and saturation of the image. I save the file as a PSD. Then i went to adobe illustrator and PLACED the image in there. Dragged so that it was proportional on the page. I clicked the selection tool then hit IMAGE TRACE and messed with different options. The i exported the files so that I could change them to JPG and i changed the color mode to RGB and the resolution to 100ppi


                             I made curved lines for this by
                             clicking and holding shift
                                             I used the pen tool to place points
I made a curved line for this and then
clicked on the strokes key so that it could
be a dashed line. Then i clicked on which                                            Clicked one point & then the
arrow head that I wanted.                                                                    other. Click Strokes. Click arrow.                                                                                                            
To make this arrow I made a curved line and then clicked the
 stroke and placed the arrow head at the start of the 

SHAPES- Adobe Illustrator

This is my shapes project. Basically all I had to do was use Adobe Illustrator to create different shapes.

Tools Used:

  • Rectangle Tool 
This was used to make the rectangle and square. To make a perfect SQUARE you hold down the SHIFT key

  • Rounded Rectangle Tool
Used to make rounded rectangles. 
  • Ellipse Tool: 
This is used to make and elliptical and circle. To make a perfect CIRCLE hold down SHIFT key
  • Polygonal Tool 
Makes polygons. If you CLICK on it after you put it on the page you can decide how many sides you want it to have. I used it to make a triangle and hexagon
  • Star Tool 
Makes stars. After you place it on the page, CLICK on it and decide how many sides you want it to have. I made a 5 point star and a 6 point star
  • Flare Tool 
Used to make a flare shape. This has a lot of different things to it. When you make it there are a lot of rays that come off of it.  You can rotate it, make it bigger or smaller, add different layers to it. ETC

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Liquify & Clone Tool

Today we used 2 new tools (new to us) in Photoshop. This is the Clone tool. What the clone tool does is, clone things. Duh. It makes copies of things as you can see with the eye and my face. To use this you want to  first click the tool icon. Then click "option" and then click on what you would like to clone. 

This is the Liquify tool. Within the click there are 3 more sub filters(?) Forward Warp tool; Pucker Tool; Bloat Tool;
The Warp Tool stretches things out and makes it look liquid-dee(?) The Pucker Tool moves the pixels towards the center of the brush. The Bloat Tool makes things look fat.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Rectangular Marquee Tool-Makes Selections In Rectangular Area

Lasso Tool- Makes Selections In An Area Drawn By The Mouse

Magic Wand- This Tool Will Make A Selection Based On Difference In Colors Of Pixels In An Area

Polygonal Lasso Tool- Makes A Selection In Area Drawn By Points

Quick Selection Tool- Makes Selection Automatically Based On A Color Without Having To Physically Trace The Outline

 Elliptical Marque Tool- Makes Selections In Elliptical Area

Magnetic Lasso Tool-Makes A Selection Drawn By A Mouse Based On Color Difference Of The Pixels Being Run Over By The Mouse


This is my layers project. I wanted the setting to be in like Egypt or the desert and there is a race going on between a fish and a sheep. The prizes are a light bulb so that they can see at night because they are trapped here. A phone to call home because its been months since they've seen their families. And a film reel that has 1 movie that will play over and over. They only get to choose 1. The fish is currently winning because the sheep stopped to eat the 1 flower that I have left for them. What it doesn't know is that the daisy has a parasitic acid in it. Spoiler...the fish wins. He chose the film reel because he has no family and it needs to be dark to watch the movie anyway. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Logo Discussion

  "The Jumpman"  
The Jordan logo is a jumpman in the center holding a basketball stretched completely out like he's flying through the air. The image came from NBA player Michael Jordan. The red and black is because he was on the Chicago Bulls and those are the team colors. The company is an athletic apparel retailer.

You'll also see the 23 on a lot of things. He wore number 23 when he played for the bulls.

This Is An Iconic Symbol.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Semiotics is the study of sign systems. It explores how words and other signs make meaning. In semiotics, a sign is anything that stands in for something other than itself

There are 3 categories of semiotics

  • Iconic
           A sign that resembles something else. Like a non smoking sign. 
  • Symbolic 
          When something is symbolic there is no logical meaning between the symbol and what it's representing. For example, if you see a heart it represents love but that looks nothing like your actual heart and nobody really knows what "love" looks like. 
  • Indexical
Index sign is when there is a direct link between the sign and the object. Traffic signs are index signs because they represent information that relates to a certain location. 

Here in my crayon rubbing there is a symbol of a handicap person. This is symbolic. It's symbolic because handicap people don't really  look like this. There's no logic between this and a handicapped person.