Tuesday, August 25, 2015

This is my crayon rubbing. The colors I used were red, purple, and blue. It was supposed to look like a sky at a later time in the day and then there is a girl standing in the middle of it. The words were really just based off of a youtuber that I watch a lot. He's always driving and he will put the camera out of the window when the sky looks like this and says "that's art". Nothing too crazy about my rubbing.

This is my second crayon rubbing. The colors I used were green, red, and blue. There is a green handicapped man riding through. The colors are just how I see the sky majority of the time and the green on the man is because maybe he has a feeling of jealousy that he can't walk. Maybe it's all subconscious. 

1 comment:

  1. "This picture uses both cool colors like blue and purple, and also warmer colors like red and green. The words 'Art Building' and 'gallery' are perpendicular to each other. From my point of view it represents creativity, as the contrast of colors and irregular word placement deviates from common writings and signs. "
