Monday, August 31, 2015

Photoshop Questions

1. Can you change FILE FORMAT just by changing it's name? 
      No, You must SAVE the file AS whatever format you choose.

2. How many colors are in the following Color Modes?
              RGB: 16.7million
              INDEXED COLOR: 256 or Less
              GREYSCALE: 256
              BITMAP: 2

3. What happens to the (uncompressedFILE SIZEas you change the COLOR MODES?
           The file size get smaller depending on the amount of colors used in the image.

4. What happens to the visual quality of images as you REDUCE the number of colors by changing the color mode?
           The Image file size will get small and depending on the file type, the image    might worse in quality.

5. What is a good reason to convert PSD files to JPG?
           To send files via email, to upload onto the internet.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Color Mode Excercise

So today in class we went over how to change color modes on your image. This is a photo that is still in RGB color mode with 16.7 Million Colors. In this mode my image size is 2.08 mil.

This is my image in greyscale. There are 256 colors in this mode and my image size is 710.0K. 

This is my image in bitmap. There are only 2 colors, black and white, so my image is much smaller when in this mode. The file size is 88.8K. 

This is the image in Indexed Color. There are 6 colors in this photo. The file size is 710.0K. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

This is my crayon rubbing. The colors I used were red, purple, and blue. It was supposed to look like a sky at a later time in the day and then there is a girl standing in the middle of it. The words were really just based off of a youtuber that I watch a lot. He's always driving and he will put the camera out of the window when the sky looks like this and says "that's art". Nothing too crazy about my rubbing.

This is my second crayon rubbing. The colors I used were green, red, and blue. There is a green handicapped man riding through. The colors are just how I see the sky majority of the time and the green on the man is because maybe he has a feeling of jealousy that he can't walk. Maybe it's all subconscious. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Allow Me To Introduce Myself

Whats Up People

I'm Myesha or Meesh whatever you prefer. I am a student at Arizona Western College trying to learn the ins and outs of anything to do with media arts.

My goals for this class are to learn as much as I possibly can about communication with media, how programs work, and hopefully get some real world experience.

I am not entirely sure what University I plan on going to. In all honesty I might be done with school after I do my 2 years and get my associates. If I got the chance to go to a school like NYU or Columbia I'd probably do that but most likely im going to finish out my associates and work on building my life in the real world 

I do stuff on my computer all the time. Just free time type of work though. Nothing too crazy. 

I really don't see myself anywhere in 10 years. I don't really think that far ahead to be honest. Only thing I know for sure about myself in 10 years is that I want to be genuinely happy with whatever im doing. I have thought about 5 years and I see myself having my own company that's constantly growing. I won't be that old so I will still probably be in its infancy stages, but it should be good. I want to have a media company that basically directs videos for musicians, commercials, streetwear brands etc. Things like that.

My favorite vacation spot would have to be New York City, Toronto, or Tokyo. Funny how I have never been to any of these places, but whenever I look at artwork from the cities and see the style and culture that's there I just know that they are places I would love.

Here's Some Artwork That I Did...I Call It...Overlapping