Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Semiotics is the study of sign systems. It explores how words and other signs make meaning. In semiotics, a sign is anything that stands in for something other than itself

There are 3 categories of semiotics

  • Iconic
           A sign that resembles something else. Like a non smoking sign. 
  • Symbolic 
          When something is symbolic there is no logical meaning between the symbol and what it's representing. For example, if you see a heart it represents love but that looks nothing like your actual heart and nobody really knows what "love" looks like. 
  • Indexical
Index sign is when there is a direct link between the sign and the object. Traffic signs are index signs because they represent information that relates to a certain location. 

Here in my crayon rubbing there is a symbol of a handicap person. This is symbolic. It's symbolic because handicap people don't really  look like this. There's no logic between this and a handicapped person. 

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