Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Liquify & Clone Tool

Today we used 2 new tools (new to us) in Photoshop. This is the Clone tool. What the clone tool does is, clone things. Duh. It makes copies of things as you can see with the eye and my face. To use this you want to  first click the tool icon. Then click "option" and then click on what you would like to clone. 

This is the Liquify tool. Within the click there are 3 more sub filters(?) Forward Warp tool; Pucker Tool; Bloat Tool;
The Warp Tool stretches things out and makes it look liquid-dee(?) The Pucker Tool moves the pixels towards the center of the brush. The Bloat Tool makes things look fat.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Rectangular Marquee Tool-Makes Selections In Rectangular Area

Lasso Tool- Makes Selections In An Area Drawn By The Mouse

Magic Wand- This Tool Will Make A Selection Based On Difference In Colors Of Pixels In An Area

Polygonal Lasso Tool- Makes A Selection In Area Drawn By Points

Quick Selection Tool- Makes Selection Automatically Based On A Color Without Having To Physically Trace The Outline

 Elliptical Marque Tool- Makes Selections In Elliptical Area

Magnetic Lasso Tool-Makes A Selection Drawn By A Mouse Based On Color Difference Of The Pixels Being Run Over By The Mouse


This is my layers project. I wanted the setting to be in like Egypt or the desert and there is a race going on between a fish and a sheep. The prizes are a light bulb so that they can see at night because they are trapped here. A phone to call home because its been months since they've seen their families. And a film reel that has 1 movie that will play over and over. They only get to choose 1. The fish is currently winning because the sheep stopped to eat the 1 flower that I have left for them. What it doesn't know is that the daisy has a parasitic acid in it. Spoiler...the fish wins. He chose the film reel because he has no family and it needs to be dark to watch the movie anyway. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Logo Discussion

  "The Jumpman"  
The Jordan logo is a jumpman in the center holding a basketball stretched completely out like he's flying through the air. The image came from NBA player Michael Jordan. The red and black is because he was on the Chicago Bulls and those are the team colors. The company is an athletic apparel retailer.

You'll also see the 23 on a lot of things. He wore number 23 when he played for the bulls.

This Is An Iconic Symbol.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Semiotics is the study of sign systems. It explores how words and other signs make meaning. In semiotics, a sign is anything that stands in for something other than itself

There are 3 categories of semiotics

  • Iconic
           A sign that resembles something else. Like a non smoking sign. 
  • Symbolic 
          When something is symbolic there is no logical meaning between the symbol and what it's representing. For example, if you see a heart it represents love but that looks nothing like your actual heart and nobody really knows what "love" looks like. 
  • Indexical
Index sign is when there is a direct link between the sign and the object. Traffic signs are index signs because they represent information that relates to a certain location. 

Here in my crayon rubbing there is a symbol of a handicap person. This is symbolic. It's symbolic because handicap people don't really  look like this. There's no logic between this and a handicapped person.